Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lace It or Leave It!



This is a BIG NO NO!
An awful combination of yellow material with silver lace, resembling more a table cloth than dress.
Boring neckline and non-matching sleeves.
Considering the age of the actress, the length of the dress also is not suitable in this case.
I prefer this lady in more sophisticated outfit, definitely longer!
Lace presented this way is not for Mrs. Zeta.


And this look is even worse...
Did she forgot to wear? 
Because I can see only eye caching stilettos and ..... a sweet nighty.
Pinkie, sugary like strawberry lollipop with cream - not a great combination


As much I love Scarlett, I don't like this outfit.
Too much for one person. I can see 2 different dresses on her.
Like the cut and pattern of this skirt.
But with lace top doesn't look appropriate as to fashion icon.
It's not the best choice. She can do better!


Finally, there are top 2 lace dresses.
All combination with subtle accessories, shoes and hairdo is the number one choice.
Ladies, if you choose a lace design follow these 2 examples above.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool post! I Agree with you...

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    Take care x
